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Introduced in 1996, ZFN is the first-generation genome editing enzyme, an artificial protein blending the DNA-binding domain called the Zinc finger motif with the nuclease domain. A single Zinc finger can recognize three base pairs of DNA. By linking multiple Zinc fingers, you can produce a Zinc finger that recognizes extended DNA sequences and binds specifically to target sequences. As endonucleases operate as dimers, when two ZFNs bind to their respective target sequences, a nuclease dimer forms, resulting in DNA cleavage.
Rhodopsin (RHO) is a light-sensing protein situated in a part of the rod photoreceptor cells called the outer segment. This gene has evolved to detect even minimal light, and rhodopsin constitutes about 90% of the total protein in the outer segment. The capability of rod cells to perceive light in dim or nighttime environments is heavily reliant on rhodopsin’s functionality. Rhodopsin (RHO) gene mutations account for approximately 30% of the dominant forms of Retinitis Pigmentosa, with an estimated 100,000 patients worldwide.
Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) is a set of genetic disorders leading to the gradual degeneration of rod cells, the photoreceptors responsible for vision in dim light. As the condition worsens, it can start to affect cone cells, which manage central vision, color perception, and sharpness of vision, possibly culminating in complete blindness. Currently, there are more than 250 identified genes associated with RP, although the specific function of many of these genes is not yet fully understood. The pattern of inheritance can vary greatly depending on the causative gene, with all forms being reported: autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, and X-linked. However, there are also isolated cases where no other instances of the condition can be traced within the patient’s family.
The onset of Retinitis Pigmentosa can vary based on the causative gene and environmental factors, but it typically manifests between the ages of 20 to 40, and symptoms gradually progress over a span of 5 to 10 years (though some individuals might exhibit symptoms as early as childhood or in their teens).
ZFNは1996年に発表された第1世代のゲノム編集因子で、Zinc fingerモチーフと呼ばれるDNA結合ドメインにヌクレアーゼドメインを結合した人工タンパク質です。1つのZinc fingerは3塩基対のDNAを認識するので、Zinc fingerを複数連結すると長いDNA配列を認識し標的配列に特異的に結合するZinc fingerを作製できます。ヌクレアーゼドメインは2量体で機能するエンドヌクレアーゼが用いるため、2つのZFNを作製して各標的配列に結合した時にヌクレアーゼ2量体が形成される事によりDNAが切断されます。
Introduced in 1996, ZFN is the first-generation genome editing enzyme, an artificial protein blending the DNA-binding domain called the Zinc finger motif with the nuclease domain. A single Zinc finger can recognize three base pairs of DNA. By linking multiple Zinc fingers, you can produce a Zinc finger that recognizes extended DNA sequences and binds specifically to target sequences. As endonucleases operate as dimers, when two ZFNs bind to their respective target sequences, a nuclease dimer forms, resulting in DNA cleavage.
While ZFNs offer the advantage of a smaller molecular weight, making them easier to load onto vectors like AAV, designing a highly specific ZFN for a target sequence is challenging and time-consuming. However, our joint research with Hiroshima University has achieved high-throughput development of highly specific ZFNs. Leveraging Hiroshima University’s FirmCut nuclease ND1, we established ZFN development technology that achieves a cleavage efficiency comparable to CRISPR-Cas9 in adult retinal cells.
In developing therapeutic agents through HITI gene insertion, it’s vital to craft the right constructs to ensure peak gene functionality, pinpoint the optimal vector for gene delivery, and hone the insertion techniques. Drawing from insights in functional genomics and stem cell development, our research diligently focuses on designing constructs for optimized gene functionality. Collaboratively working with Simprogen Corp. in Kobe, we’re pioneering the development of high-quality adenoviral vectors. Moreover, in partnership with the Kobe Eye Center Hospital, we’re advancing our understanding and methodology of precise gene insertion techniques.
For dominant mutations, such as those targeting rhodopsin, a gene therapy remedy needs to address both the repair of the causative mutation causing dominant inhibition and the replenishment of normal RHO gene expression. Since there are 110 potential mutation sites in the rhodopsin gene locus, it’s more efficient to insert (or replace with) the full-length normal rhodopsin gene rather than develop a separate gene therapy for each mutation. This way, one treatment can potentially address all mutations, including any new ones.
When introducing external, normal-sequence DNA, the common approach utilizes HDR-based genome editing. A challenge arises since HDR is prevalent in dividing cells but less so in non-dividing cells, and the majority of adult tissue cells are non-dividing. To address this, the HITI (Homology-independent targeted integration) method was developed. It leverages the NHEJ repair pathway, notable for its high efficiency in non-dividing cells, to accurately insert foreign genes. This makes gene insertion in specific sequences of adult cells, such as retinal cells, achievable. By positioning the normal sequence DNA just prior to the start codon of a mutated gene locus, the normal gene is expressed using the original gene’s promoter, suppressing the mutated gene’s expression. Essentially, this method simultaneously rectifies dominant mutations causing dominant inhibition and restores the expression of the normal RHO gene.
Genome editing, which allows rewriting of cellular genetic information, holds great promise for treating gene mutations that manifest due to dominant inhibition. This technique targets specific sequences in DNA or its transcription product, mRNA, to introduce changes.
The enzymes employed in genome editing come in three main categories or generations:
The commonly utilized genome editing approach involves “cutting” at the target sequence. The induced cuts exploit two intrinsic cellular gene repair mechanisms to insert (recombine) genes or introduce mutations.
ZFNは1996年に発表された第1世代のゲノム編集因子で、Zinc fingerモチーフと呼ばれるDNA結合ドメインにヌクレアーゼドメインを結合した人工タンパク質です。1つのZinc fingerは3塩基対のDNAを認識するので、Zinc fingerを複数連結すると長いDNA配列を認識し標的配列に特異的に結合するZinc fingerを作製できます。ヌクレアーゼドメインは2量体で機能するエンドヌクレアーゼが用いるため、図のように2つのZFNを作製して各標的配列に結合した時にヌクレアーゼ2量体が形成される事によりDNAが切断されます。
図 ZFNの遺伝子認識イメージと、実験による編集効率の向上
正常配列DNAを外から供給する場合はHDRを介したゲノム編集技術が一般的ですが、HDRは分裂細胞での頻度が高く非分裂細胞では低い傾向があります。成体の組織を構成するほとんどの細胞は非分裂細胞であることから、成体細胞に対してのDNAを導入・置換の効率が低い事が課題でした。HITI(Homology-independent targeted integration)法による遺伝子挿入法は、非分裂細胞でも頻度が高いNHEJ修復経路を利用して外来の遺伝子を正しい方向で挿入する技術であり、網膜細胞を含む成体細胞でも高頻度で目的配列に遺伝子を挿入する事が可能となります。変異を持つ遺伝子座の翻訳開始部分(開始コドン)前に正常配列DNA挿入する事で、遺伝子本来のプロモータから挿入した正常遺伝子を発現させつつ、変異遺伝子の発現が停止します。すなわち、顕性型変異における優性阻害となる原因遺伝子の修復と正常RHO遺伝子発現の補充の両方の対処が可能となります。
ゲノム編集を行う酵素はゲノム編集因子と呼ばれ、標的配列をデザインできるゲノム編集因子は第1世代のZFN(Zinc finger nuclease)、第2世代のTALEN(Transcription activator-like effector nuclease)、第3世代のCRISPR(Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats)に大別されます。ZFNは様々な転写因子のDNA結合モチーフが基となっており、1つのモチーフで3塩基対のDNAを認識します。TALENは細菌由来のDNA結合モチーフが基となっており、1つのモチーフで1つのDNAを認識するため、ZFNより配列が長くなりますが特異性の高いゲノム編集因子の設計が可能となりました。CRISPRは細菌の免疫機構(CRISPR/Casシステム)が基になっており、Casヌクレアーゼと標的配列を認識するsgRNA(1本鎖ガイドRNA)で構成されます。タンパク質モチーフで塩基配列を認識するZFN, TALENに比べ、CRISPRは標的配列の認識をRNA-DNA相互作用によって行うため、標的配列の予測や構築が容易になりゲノム編集の研究応用が飛躍的に進みました。
現在頻用されるゲノム編集は狙った配列を「切る」編集で、切断に伴い誘導される細胞内の2つの遺伝子修復機構を利用して、遺伝子を挿入(組み換える)編集や変異を加える編集を行います。遺伝子を挿入する編集は、相同組換え修復(homology-directed repair; HDR)と呼ばれる対立遺伝子から修復遺伝子を合成し組換える修復を利用し、切断時に正常配列を持つ鋳型DNAを外来から供給し組み替える事で正確なゲノム編集が期待できます。変異を加える編集は、非相同末端結合(non-homologous end-joining; NHEJ)と呼ばれる、切断されたDNAの両端を任意の塩基の挿入・欠失(InDel)を伴いながら結合する修復機構を用います。InDelは任意であるため標的遺伝子の改変(主にノックアウト)が起こります。